Welcome to the webpage of Charles M. Huber
Welcome to the webpage of Charles M. Huber
Carpe diem for me is also-
a relaxed round of Golf like here with former Ryder Cup Captain Colin Montgomery. We had a lot of fun.
My autobiography "Ein NIederbayer im Senegal- My Life between two Worlds "was published in 2004 by S. Fischer Publishing
Country Feeling
I spent my youth and childhood in Bavaria- living between to worlds is challenge and opportunity. You are the driver of your own destiny. My destiny was success. As in business as in politics. Success it is about Communication and intercultural knowledge when it comes to international affairs.
Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Woloff.
Country Feeling
I spent my youth and childhood in Bavaria- living between to worlds is challenge and opportunity. You are the driver of your own destiny. And My destiny was success. in business as in politics. Success
is about Communication and intercultural knowledge when it comes to international affairs.
My Languages are: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Woloff.